Daisy Laing NEWS

Sanctuary - Art Auction for Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital

Sanctuary Final poster Sanctuary info line added Art Auction Fundraiser for Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital Cornwall.  Saturday 22 April 4pm – 7pm, Chapel House, Penzance

‘Sanctuary' is an art auction fundraising event, organised by Kate Jones from Daisy Laing Gallery and Penzance based artist Tim Ridley to help raise vital funds for Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital Cornwall, following its devastating temporary closure last summer.  
The Bird Hospital, is the only specialist facility of its type in Cornwall, treating around 1,000 wild birds of all species every year. Founded in 1928 by two formidable sisters Pog and Dorothy Yglesias, its centenary is only 5 years away.
The hospital came to the notice of an international audience with the first major oil tanker disaster in 1967, the Torrey Canyon, then the largest wreck of its type that devastated the beaches and sea bird population of Cornwall. In the summer of 2022, a more modern disaster hit the seabird population of Cornwall having spread south across Britain. Avian Flu  H5N1 a virulent form of the virus, originally from farmed waterfowl in Asia, infected the wild bird population, particularly sea birds and waterfowl. In August it devastated Mousehole Bird Hospital, leading to a cull of the nearly 200 birds then being cared for and enforced closure by DEFRA for 12 months. 
The hospital is determined to recover from this terrible tragedy and build back stronger and more resilient with investment in a new Bird Care Centre, greatly improved biosecurity and improved facilities for receiving and admitting birds, enabling it to have a more important role than ever in helping to protect bird populations in Cornwall and beyond.  Many of the species were struggling in the wild before the virus hit and the full impact of it on sea bird populations is still yet to be assessed and the accurate picture will not be known for some years.
Lots of artists living and working in Cornwall have been asked by Kate and Tim to donate artwork to help raise vital funds for this very important place and many are delighted to help.  Local businesses Chapel House, Lays Auctioneers and Headland Printers are giving their space and time for free and all proceeds from the auction will go to the hospital to help them on their road to recovery.  This is a real community charity event.
All pieces in the auction can be viewed online prior to the event on the Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital Cornwall website https://mouseholebirdhospital.org.uk/ and Daisy Laing’s website www.daisylaing.co.uk  You can also follow regular posts and updates on Facebook and Instagram Mousehole Wild Bird Hospital @mouseholewildbirdhospital @daisylainggallery
If you live in Cornwall and love wildlife, the chances are you will know the important role the bird hospital plays, protecting bird populations.  The trustee council are determined to reopen successfully and in better shape to continue its vital work, caring for sick, injured and orphaned birds in Cornwall. Initially, they will be occupying a temporary site in Penwith, whilst building work is carried out at the Mousehole site, which they hope will be open for business again in early 2024.
There will be 2 viewing slots at Chapel House, prior to the auction. Friday 21 April 1-5pm and morning and early afternoon on the day of the auction Saturday 22 April 11am-2pm. 
For those who can’t make it in person to place bids, DM or email kate@daisylaing.co.uk
Images of the works in auction will be posted here a week before the event.

List of artists (not complete):

Una D'aragona - unadaragona.co.uk
Dan Pyne - @danpyneartist
Rachael Kidd - rachaelkidd.com
Andy Harper - andyhcape.com
Karen Foss - karenfoss.co.uk
Sarah Goldbart - sarahgoldbart.com
Jesse Leroy Smith - jesseleroysmithstudio.com
Sophie Harding - sophie-harding.co.uk
Tom Leaper - tomleaper.com
Tony Shiels
Susie Cousins - Susiecousinspottery.co.uk
Neil Pinkett - @neilpinkett
Jamie Mills - jamiemills.co.uk
Tamzin Drew - @tamzin_drew
Nickie Carlyon - nickiecarlyon.com
Theo Carter Weber - @theocarterweber
Sax Impey - saximpey.com
Louise Wright - @louisewright_fibreart
Katharine Mair
Linda Craig - cowhousegallery.co.uk
Pip Bryson - pipbryson.com
Janine Wing - janinewingart.etsy.com
Catherine Harvey Jefferson - catherineharveyjefferson.com
Tanya Krzywinska - tanyakrzywinska.com
Ronnie Fairweather - @ronniefairweather
Kate Jamieson - @katejmo
Tim Pryke  - @penzancesundaypainter
Sarah Ball - @sarah_ball_artist
Janet Sainsbury - @janetsainsbury
Andrew Swan - andrewswan.art
Winnie Lyn - winnielyn.art
Andy Lawrence - Andylawrencephotography.com
Jason Walker - jason-walker.co.uk
Sasha Harding - sashaharding.co.uk
Jill Eisele - @eiselejill
Kate Walters - katewalters.co.uk
Natalia Hamon - @natalia.hamon
Andrew Litten - @andrew_litten_artist - andrewlitten.com
Tom Leaper - tomleaper.com
Tamzin Drew - @tamzin_drew
Gillian Cooper - @gilliancooperart
Caitlin Dean - @caitlinheatherdean.com
Katrina Naomi - @katrinanaomipoet
Rachael Reeves - @rachaelreeveedwards
Sue Rogers - suerogers.co.uk
Lou Tonkin - loutonkin.com
Marion Smylie - marionsmylie.co.uk
Stephanie Cunningham - stephaniecunningham.co.uk
Nicola Bealing - @nicola_bealing
Jim Carter - @hailglower
Keith Busby - @littlehive02
Max Whetter - @maxwhetter
Simon Turner - @simonturner3791
Scot Davies - @scotdaviesart
Jackie Kilpatrick - @jacquelinekilpatrickpz
Alice Ellis Bray - @aliceellisbray
